Impact Agreement

September 23, 2021

The last part contains the conclusions and political implications. The need for a cumulative impact assessment (ECA) was highlighted by several research participants and identified as an "area of gaps" requiring a lot of research. Overall, key informants acknowledged the need for the AEE and expressed doubts about achieving sustainable resource development without an impact assessment methodology that takes into account multiple projects over long periods of time. IBAs were proposed by a key informant as a potential consultation mechanism for AECs, as they are flexible enough to address both socio-economic and environmental concerns. While this is largely theoretical thinking, further research on the usefulness of IBAs in creating collaborative CEA processes could provide unique insights. Vietnam has integrated into the world economy and many bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) have been signed, which has a great influence on the Vietnamese economy. In particular, I hope that the Europe-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), for which negotiations began in June 2012, will be presented to the European Commission and the European Parliament for signature and ratification in 2019 (EUROCHAM, 2018). . .


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