Navy Enterprise License Agreement

April 10, 2021

The DON is the official licensee. It consists of all companies considered to be the "main element of the DON" ("PED") within the meaning of Code 32 of the federal regulations, sections 700.203 and 700.204. Authorized users include: DON government personnel (military, civilian, military reserve and National Guard assigned to the DON), contractors, non-human equipment, detailed persons contained and counted in the DON to support the internal or external operations of the DON, as well as non-human persons or equipment that have access, use or be tracked by Oracle software. Excluded from the DON ESL agreement for Oracle II and are therefore not allowed to order products from the contract catalogue: The use of Department of the Navy (DON) Enterprise Software Licensing (ESL) complies with the memorandum of 22 February 2012, DON Chief Information Officer (CIO)/Assistant Secretary of the Navy (ASN) Research, Development - Acquisition (RDA)/ASN Financial Management - Comptroller (FMC) Memorandum of Understanding to maximize cost savings.

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